Delegates of European National Meteorological Services met in Luxembourg

MeteoLux, department of the Administration de la navigation aérienne, hosted the EUMETNET meetings of the 18th Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), the 18th Policy and Finance Advisory Committee (PFAC) as well as the 15th Joint STAC & PFAC from 27 March until 29 March 2019 in Luxembourg. By kind invitation of the Eurocontrol Institute of Air Navigation Services, the meetings were held at the EUROCONTROL training center (Kirchberg).

EUMETNET is a grouping of 31 European National Meteorological Services that provides a framework to organise co-operative programmes between its Members in the various fields of basic meteorological activities. These activities include observing systems, data processing, basic forecasting products, research and development and training. EIG EUMETNET derives the vast majority of its Programme funding from its members. Some Programmes are mandatory and some Programmes are optional and this will affect the size of each Member’s contribution. Each Member pays a share of the collective cost where their share is calculated based upon the Gross National Income (GNI) for their country. EUMETNET’s mission is to support its Members to develop and share their individual and joint capabilities through already well established cooperation programmes as well as additional collaboration efforts that enable enhanced networking, better and more robust interoperability, efficiencies and optimization of infrastructure costs and a higher level of integration and complementarity within Europe.